rock and rolla

Boots: Rodarte for Opening Ceremony

After racking my brain between the gold/browns I shot here and originally wanted or these reds, the red beauties won.


  1. tere says:

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Julie Khuu says:

    Karen, just catching up on your blog and CONGRATULATIONS are an order!!! You looked soooo beautiful in the cream sheath…gorgeous and naturally glowing from head to toe…
    …those leopard outfit shots had you beaming from ear to ear!!…ahhh the look of love πŸ˜€

    Wish we could see more pix!

    Peace. Love. LOL!

    Haute Khuuture Blog

  3. tere says:

    I really really want you to wear this, becouse right now I can’t match it with anything in my mind, but I trust in you… and I love your blog btw! πŸ™‚

  4. 401 says:

    Ohh beautiful. You’ve been making me crave a pair of ankle cowboy boots!

  5. Lia says:

    Do they run true to size? I’m really tempted to order them online but since I’m a half size I don’t know if I should go up or down the size…

  6. michalooshka says:


  7. Dominika says:

    really beautiful shoes!

  8. chicfaced says:

    amazing. how could you ever go back to any other boot after those beauties??

  9. Nita -Karoliina says:

    those are perfect! i want a pair!

  10. Karen says:

    Lia – they run a bit small. I am having mine stretched. The shop assistant agreed with me on this too. Her size was too tight.

    Tere – trust me I am dyiiiiiiiiiing to wear them!! will blog post soon : )

  11. Olivia says:

    Hey Karen,

    I saw your ad for covergirl- you look great!

    Liv @

  12. Dirty Hair Halo says:

    shut up with yourself- you’re gonna rock these.

  13. Cindy says:

    holy crap those are insane/mozart/acidtrip boots. what a statement piece!

    btw. CONGRATS on the wedding!

  14. Bonevardi says:

    I can’t seem to find them in red, is it because they’re out of stock – do you have any idea?

  15. Mary says:

    Rodarte X OC always perfect!

  16. Bonevardi says:

    Do you have any idea if they still come in red?

  17. Karen says:

    Bonevardi – the red was at the Opening Ceremony on Howard Street in NY.

  18. kaitlyntru says:

    SO alison mosshart. Just really badass.

  19. samantha rae says:

    holy shit those are fantastic

  20. Madeleine says:

    Those boots are absolutely lovely~

  21. Nancy (Kibbles 'N Knits) says:

    Great boots! I found your blog through Atlantic Pacific. Congrats on Vogue!

  22. Karen says:

    Nancy – welcome and thank you!

    Thx everyone I love these boots so much!

  23. blake says:

    How do I buy these?

  24. blake says:

    How do I buy these?

  25. blake says:

    I’m going to cry, how do I get these boots

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