Summer Menswear



Mens Tshirt DIY’d to a tank (similars here & here).  Shorts: Levis cutoffs (similars on sale).  Boots: All Saints.  Baseball cap: Borrowed from Michael. Shades: NY street vendors (these or these are a close enough version). 

This is the other mens T-shirt bought and DIY’d from Wallyworld upstate.

Wore it with Michael’s baseball cap, denim cut offs and boots.  I’ve hacked off a bit more of the shoulders since these pics were taken.  That’s the problem with cutting things, you get scissor happy…

Speaking of I’m working on another DIY as I type this that I hope turns out ok so I can show you guys : ))


  1. Eat.Style.Play says:

    I have those boots in Brown, they are litereally my favorite boots PERIOD!

    • Karen says:

      They are great aren’t they!!

  2. Maggie ☮ says:

    So envious of your sunnies!

  3. Rhea Dillon says:

    Awesome chilled look and I love those boots

  4. Camilla says:

    your dog is such a cutie! that cap is pretty rad too

    xo Camilla

    Into The Fold

    check out the giveaway on my blog!

    • Karen says:

      Oliver is such a sweet heart : )

  5. Amanda says:

    I really do like this. I’m all for a bit o’tomboy!

  6. Kat says:

    I need to do some scissoring of some old t-shirts too. Thanks for the reminder!!



    Ooooh love the mirrored shades! I have similar ones I got from a manhattan street vendor 😉 I can’t wait to see your next DIY !

    • Karen says:

      That’s where I got them too!

  8. MOOD by me says:

    Great look, love the mix of styles all put together, and awesome photos too!

  9. Fashion Sky says:

    She looks sooo cool.

  10. conmibolsoacuestas says:

    I don´t like blue nails but its interesting in others 😉

  11. conmibolsoacuestas says:

    I don´t like blue nails but its interesting in others 😉

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