This time last year I got laid off from my job.
At the time of writing this (11.30 am) human resources was watching me pack my belongings at my desk. I cried from the shock. I never thought I would since I didn’t like the job anyway. In fact, I hated it but the feeling of that security rug being pulled out from under my feet was overwhelming.
The last image my boss has of me was seeing the lift doors closing with me standing there, tears running down my face behind my wayfarers (heck I had to have some style in my last moment there). I was a blubbering mess. “Karen you’ll be fine,” she said: “Look at this as your chance to do what you love.” I couldn’t even respond from the tears even though as I walked out of the building with my belongings and a wet face it felt like a huge relief. Strange right?
Let’s rewind a bit back to Feb 2009…
I was dying a slow death at my desk every day and I started my blog as an escape. I loved playing with clothes and different looks, mixing high with low, vintage with designer, discovering gem shopping spots and having fun with fashion in New York, a place that still feels new coming from London. I had no formal qualifications to work in fashion so the blog was the outlet. Fast forward a year and as the blog grew I realized that I was essentially running two jobs: the 9-5 that I hated and WDUGT that I loved.
My routine was relentless. I would blog till 1am, go to bed, wake at 7am tired and rush to work. Come home at 6 – grab something to eat then blog all night again. Let’s not forget the outfit photography time squeezed in. But my office crack blackberry was never off. I was on call to respond to work emails through lunch hours, at home, where ever. It was a never-ending day and night cycle and I was starting to crack. I was getting physically ill and would make simple mistakes at work. My focus was on WDUGT but I was working for an ambitious and therefore, quite rightly, demanding boss. I was living a split-screen life. For years. Lay offs were common throughout the office – reflective of the US economy and for those lucky few not laid off, having a job felt like luck. Keep quiet and be grateful. But I needed to quit.
Being laid off today last year is one of the best and the scariest and bizarre moments that has happened to me. Why? because I had planned to quit at the end of last year anyway. I planned to quit my job because I knew the job wasn’t for me. My manager was pushing me to achieve more at work and it was sometimes too much. After reading these retention strategies for employers, it became clear that my manager may have been putting too much pressure on me. If only she would have read some of those strategies for keeping your staff happy, I may still have been there. Anyway, the lay off was a push ahead of schedule. For years I supported people who loved what they did for a living and I felt like it was my turn.
I used to have “what-if I could” thoughts but didn’t know if it could really happen.
Fast forward to today and WDUGT is my job. I love it. I have so much freedom and my home is my office. One of my friends was suggesting that I think about setting up an office somewhere in the house to make myself want to work. That’s not a bad idea. My friend told me that she already knows places where I could get an office desk and some cheap office chairs to really make me feel like I’m working and not just staying at home. Perhaps I’ll think about that in the future. For now, my living room is just fine. Although I’m enjoying life more now, I still feel like I got pushed off that cliff. I am still free-falling but I would rather take a risk and fall flat on my face than regret not trying at all. I suspect that thousands dream of something that they really love doing and it is not what they are doing right now.
I am not saying that everyone reading this should up and leave their jobs. Everyone’s situation and responsibilities are not the same. Heck – I am still working things out as I go along but I will tell you this: I feel 1000x better than I did one year ago and before. I think uncertainty is sometimes the price you pay for doing what you love for a living but I see nothing wrong with taking life by the balls and taking that ride anyway.
Find a way to do what you love and the rest will follow. I heard that somewhere and it’s worth repeating.
So I say to you to start small. Start anywhere. But just start. Start doing what YOU love. The rest will somehow find a way to follow in a way that you cannot predict.
Karen x

Rory says:
Karen–Reading this, I was able to relate to you so much. I quit swimming, which my parents have pushed me to do my entire life, and instead pursued what I wanted–a fashion blog. Yeah, it’s not a sport. Yeah, now I do other things to stay fit. And my parents gotta accept that–it’s what I want. So I was very glad to read this. And I’m glad that you’re in a better place now! WDUGT is one of my fave blogs so i’m glad you love doing it 🙂
Karen says:
hello again Rory : ) I’m sure you feel a lot better doing what you really wanted to. You can always swim recreationally anyway if you like that. It’s your life to lead….
Amberly D'Anna says:
OMG thank you Karen for this post! This is exactly how I feel right now juggling my work life, and blog life..Hopefully I can take that leap too! 🙂
Karen says:
: )))) all the best Amberly – good timing with this post it sounds like
Joia says:
Karen, Thank you for this post. I have been working a job for my University for a while to put myself through school. I absolutely hate it, but I’m doing what I have to do to do what I want to do in the future. I started a blog literally two days ago as an outlet for my writing passion and as a way to be brave enough to do my own thing. I love your blog and really appreciate your candidness in this post. Thanks, Joia
Eat.Style.Play says:
Wow Karen! This is inspiring, we emails each other earlier this year and i spoke about being in the same position. This has reminded me that I need to get on it and live by my own dreams. You’re truly inspiring ! says:
This struck a perfect chord with me today. I’ve found myself seriously frustrated after quitting my career last year to attend Parsons for a year and now I am stuck in a rut with lots of failed job applications for things I don’t really want anyway. It was a perfect pick me up for my somewhat grey (feeling and looking) Monday. Thanks so much for sharing 🙂
Karen says:
wow I hope this helps you re-focus on what you need to do
Ivana says:
Karen…I want to thank you so much for writing this…you’ve inspired me with your style for couple of years now, and then this text….exactly how I feel right now with work, university and my fashion blog! I live with my boyfriend and we’ve got rent and other bills to take care of which makes quitting my job impossible since I’m not sure if I could survive with only my blog, but I would so love to devote all my time on my blog and make inspirational posts for my readers, since that is what I want do do with all my body and soul…fashion and styling…being creative and I feel like my work and the University are sucking it out from me….guess I should take that leap of faith sometime soon…before I crack under all this pressure….
Thanks again!
Love, Ivana
LEIGH says:
Lovely advice! I’m so glad you found what you love! This really is great inspiration! I hope you are crying tears of joy now 🙂
Candace Belle says:
This is beautiful! I am glad you found your way and you are paying it forward. Much continued success on your journey!
Sheri says:
Karen, thank you for sharing this post. So often, too many of us spend our precious time in jobs we hate and living lives that are completely unsatisfying. While quitting one’s job isn’t always feasible, I certainly agree that it is important to try to find a way to do what you love, even if it is only for a part of the time, which is part of the reason why I started my own blog. I’m glad you had the opportunity to do what you love (and what you are so good at).
Karen says:
Agreed on finding that balance – very well said. I think that’s what it is and doing what makes sense for you and your circumstances.
Elise says:
Lovely blog post, very inspiring. I hope I can take the fist step to get out of my dead end job and what I love.
Eleanor says:
this is such an amazing post! I think I can speak for all of us when I say that I’m glad you were laid off! you’re a style icon! 🙂 so inspiring…
Theresa says:
Karen, I really loved reading all that you had to say and appreciate you sharing your story with us. I think that sometimes in life we get too caught up in the daily routines of things to really stop and think if we’re doing something that we’re passionate about. I agree that doing more of what one love’s is a great remedy for life even if it means starting over or taking chances. LOVE this post!
The Habit
Forever Fashion says:
Wow you’re amazing Karen!! That’s the same mentality I have had since I can’t do anything that I don’t 100% love!! And its good because I don’t waste my time with things I don’t want to do. Of course the hard part is taking those leap of faith and risks and chances! But we have to so we can live life to the fullest and in the end have no regrets.
I love blogging!
Samantha Manzella says:
This is very inspiring. Thank you so much for sharing your story, Karen. It gives me hope that one day I’ll be able to reach your level of success with my own baby of a blog. 🙂 Love your blog to bits and wish you the best!
– Samantha
Seun Ogunsola says:
Great advice 🙂
Pretty In Thrift says:
Thank you. I am exactly where you were a little over a year ago. plans are in the works, but I am afraid! maybe I should stop admiring others for doing it and just get up and do it myself.
Karen says:
You just said it. I don’t care how ready you are I think it’ll always be a bit scary.
Dashfield Vintage says:
Awesome post! Isn’t it funny how sometimes life gives you that kick in the butt that you need to pursue your dreams. I left my job nearly 2 years ago and yeah it has been a rocky ride financially from time to time… but every time I think I’m going to have to go and get a 9 – 5pm job again something new falls into my lap. Wouldn’t have it any other way 🙂
Hanne says:
Thank you so much for that reminder!
I just quit a perfectly good job to work on my portfolio, so that I can get into school next autumn. Its really scary not having that backup, and just have to take one day at a time. Scary and thrilling. I really needed a reminder of why I’m doing this when some days are tougher than others. Sorry ’bout the messy comment, but I just needed some kind of recognition that its not crazy to follow your dreams, even though there a little bit out there. So thank you!
The White List says:
I absolutely love this post! This may be your best post ever and I absolutely get what you mean! You’re so inspiring and I wish you the very best cos you deserve it!
Chante GB says:
Thank you for writing this post, its so honest and just what I needed to here. Sometimes we really can stand in our way. You’ve really inspired me… so watch this space!
Asia says:
Very inspirational Karen. I was just sitting here feeling overwhelmed by life in general and all of the sort of mundane things that never seem to get done. Reading this sort of help to put it in perspective because I do have a job that I love and I couldn’t imagine going through what you went through. So glad that things eventually worked out for you and here is to continue growth of the blog.
Lisa says:
Love this post! What’s meant for you wont pass you buy. I live by that.
Karen says:
wow that’s a brilliant line to remember
Mlle W says:
..thank you for sharing the positive, personal side from a blogger I admire and how you made your life work out better than before after being pushed-off-the-cliff
Vanessa Rachelle says:
This was just what I needed to read! One of my favorite posts from you Karen hands down. Thank you so much for these encouraging words and your transparency. I’m also working a 9-5 that is somewhat draining and something I would rather do as a volunteer, providing my services for those who need it free of charge without the corporate politics that get in the way (I work in the medical field). My dream is to run my own jewelry shop (I’m on my way with that, doing so part time online) and becoming a travel writer and photographer. I’ve been afraid to make the switch full time since, I have my security blanket wrapped tight around me! But this post really has me thinking…what if…
Thanks Karen!
FashMags says:
After the shitty day I had today this post gives me hope that I’ll find my calling.
Thank You
Lougè Delcy says:
best post ever.
Karen says:
This comment has been removed by the author.
Karen says:
and that comment comes from the best. dresser. ever.
Bindi Enkh-Amgalan says:
Karen, I am really happy for you. Great post make me so happy. Life is beautiful 🙂
@Glam__Slam says:
Very, very touching post. I’ve experienced being laid off COMPLETELY unexpectedly and also working a job that I hated w/ a passion; both are hard and horrible. I am soooo glad I started my blog; honestly couldn’t imagine my life w/out it now! I currently am in a similar situation now as you were then. I do have a job, one i actually love, but it’s only part time. I having a lot of trouble finding other work, things are incredibly tight financially and I not yet making any money from my blog.
I was just having a little “pitty party” shortly before I read this post, feeling a bit depressed and wondering what my next move should be. While I may not know all of my “next steps”, I definitely know that one step is and always will be my blog. It truly enriches my life. I’ve finally come to the realization that all good things will come in time, have patience (a hard thing for me sometimes) and what’s meant to be will be.
Thanks again for sharing your story! 🙂
xoxo, Stephanie 🙂
@Glam__Slam says:
Very, very touching post. I’ve experienced being laid off COMPLETELY unexpectedly and also working a job that I hated w/ a passion; both are hard and horrible. I am soooo glad I started my blog; honestly couldn’t imagine my life w/out it now! I currently am in a similar situation now as you were then. I do have a job, one i actually love, but it’s only part time. I having a lot of trouble finding other work, things are incredibly tight financially and I not yet making any money from my blog.
I was just having a little “pitty party” shortly before I read this post, feeling a bit depressed and wondering what my next move should be. While I may not know all of my “next steps”, I definitely know that one step is and always will be my blog. It truly enriches my life. I’ve finally come to the realization that all good things will come in time, have patience (a hard thing for me sometimes) and what’s meant to be will be.
Thanks again for sharing your story! 🙂
xoxo, Stephanie 🙂
Karen says:
wow. Knowing that one step of it being about your blog is sometimes all you need to feel good again. Sometimes we over think. I know I do. It’s a fault of mine at times. Thx for sharing YOUR story
the style potato says:
woooooow. this post has really got me thinking now. i was laid off from my job 2 weeks ago and its an overwhelming feeling. i knew it was going to happen but still, that “security blanket” is gone. for a while i was thinking about doing what i really wanted to do, and be happy. now i could possibly have something else lined up (doing the same job) but im still torn between having that 9-5 job or doing what i love to do (blogging, acting, modelling). your post really made me think and i really appreciate that!! i hope i’ll be able to be on your level one day!! thank you very much!!!
the style potato says:
woooooow. this post has really got me thinking now. i was laid off from my job 2 weeks ago and its an overwhelming feeling. i knew it was going to happen but still, that “security blanket” is gone. for a while i was thinking about doing what i really wanted to do, and be happy. now i could possibly have something else lined up (doing the same job) but im still torn between having that 9-5 job or doing what i love to do (blogging, acting, modelling). your post really made me think and i really appreciate that!! i hope i’ll be able to be on your level one day!! thank you very much!!!
Karen says:
wow look at this timing with me writing this and what are going through now!
I truly think everything happens for a reason. I hope whatever you do it makes you feel fulfilled and maybe you can do what you love in your spare time until you feel that tug in you is big enough? It’s not easy but only you can know what you can live with and what you can’t. Wishing you successes.
Jessica says:
Thank you for sharing this! It’s inspiring to know that you worked your way to doing what you love despite all the trials and uncertainties that stood in your path. I’m so glad you made it! Hopefully, someday I’ll be able to do the same.
I’ve been reading your blog for a while now and it’s always fantastic! Congratulations and keep up the great work!
Angie Ang says:
Thank you for sharing, so inspiring and awesome for you!
Come check out my kawaii giveaway!
( /)
( . .)
Karolena says:
I met you at Lucky fab 2 years ago. I was Interning for Tucker. I continued to pursue a career in fashion for 2 years. Last December I was laid off. I decided to become a full time actress.
I had been acting since I was 14 but chickened out of being a professional when I graduated from college. I struggle but I cant imagine doing anything else. Cheers to following dreams!
Reem says:
Thank you for that KAREN! Omg I need that all day to hear someone doing something like this. As I continue to blog about everything I most likely can. I wonder what would happen if I didn’t have a real job and my blog takes off would I accept it as a 9-5 lol. Anyway dont want to get deep thank you for this tho’ really
Incredible, inspiring story!! I applaud you and wish you continued success!
Darby says:
This post is SO inspirational and made me smile! You deserve all of your amazing success darling 🙂
xoxo Darby
Obviously Obsessed
I wanna be fierce says:
Thanks for sharing your story and words of wisdom. : )
Mode Haven says:
inspiring post…same thing happened to me over a month ago…it was a relief since I was planning to leave at the end of the year and pursue something else. I financially prepared myself so it didn’t hit me too hard but was still a surprise since I was there for so long!Now its tome for me to find my niche and pursue something bigger that I know I’m destined for. Glad that it all worked out for you, thanks for sharing this with your readers :-).
Mode Haven says:
inspiring post…same thing happened to me over a month ago…it was a relief since I was planning to leave at the end of the year and pursue something else. I financially prepared myself so it didn’t hit me too hard but was still a surprise since I was there for so long!Now its tome for me to find my niche and pursue something bigger that I know I’m destined for. Glad that it all worked out for you, thanks for sharing this with your readers :-).
Karen says:
I financially tried to prep myself for the quit day too and yes, still it does hit you hard whether you are laid off or you quit – that feeling of oh crap this is it hits us.
Semicosmic says:
Thank you for this post! It’s the little push I need. I’ve been going back and forth with starting my own line of plugs for the longest time, and I’ve finally gathered up the courage to order a few of my first supplies. I was just saying how nervous I was literally 3 minutes ago about actually getting things together and creating a company when I saw this post on your fb wall. Talk about serendipity! All the best! xx
Semicosmic says:
Thank you for this post! It’s the little push I need. I’ve been going back and forth with starting my own line of plugs for the longest time, and I’ve finally gathered up the courage to order a few of my first supplies. I was just saying how nervous I was literally 3 minutes ago about actually getting things together and creating a company when I saw this post on your fb wall. Talk about serendipity! All the best! xx
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n.harv (again) says:
its funny how sometimes we have to pushed into our purpose 🙂
Karen says:
completely 2nding that
Katya says:
Thank you for writing this post it is inspirational und it was just what I needed!♥
Anonymous says:
One of your best posts ever. Glad it is working for you.
Karen says:
I agree. It feels like it was one if not my best post to share this with everyone.
Lieke says:
Thanks.. just what I needed:)
Lieke says:
thanks.. just what i needed
Mariana says:
beautiful. so happy for you!
and now i have tears in my eyes. said enough.
Lou says:
This is a great post and an inspiration. I completely understand your comment about the security rug. It is something that you would of wanted to do in your own time, instead of your hand being forced for you.
But looking at today, if it had never happened, you would no doubt be behind the same desk thinking ;what if;. Keep up the good work.
Leslie Moore says:
This was a really nice story. I think for a lot of people, it’s interesting seeing the time frame of how long it can actually take to see your vision become successful. It most definitely depends on having original ideas and quality, but commitment is key. Thanks for sharing.
Karen says:
Commitment IS key and that only comes when you are doing something that you love since you will naturally want to do it anyway. Very very good points.
Mikaela Joy says:
Thank you for this… really. As I sit at my desk typing this comment, I wonder if I, too, will be able to do the same one day.
Funny thing is, I’ve done it before. Left a great job at a huge consulting firm to pursue my dream of living in Hawaii to learn/perform/soak up Hawaiian dance/culture. That felt extremely comfortable for me though, because I’d been involved in Hawaiian culture for almost my whole life and knew that it was something I could succeed at. And I did/still do.
This, however… this fashion world that I’ve been loving from a far for so long does not feel as comfortable for me. Even something as simple as starting a blog took me almost a year because I was so nervous about how I’d be received. I’m getting the hang of it now, and am starting to love it, but it took me a while to get here.
Sheesh. I typed a book. And probably shared more than I should have…lol. All just to say, thank you. 🙂
Karen says:
OMG ‘sheesh I typed a book’ LOLOL!! That’s what I should’ve written at the end of this post lolol!!!
No you didn’t write a book, you wrote just enough because you are being honest.
Anastasia from Natbeesfashion says:
Karen you got the best desicion you could get!
After a year of bullying and harrassement I got the strenght to quit my job.
Following tears and depression I finally managed to balance my life after 4 months.
I got a new job and everything seems like a dream now.
You’ll get there..I promise!
Karen says:
wow. thank you for being so open about your bad experience. what a complete turnaround you did when you quit.
You just inspired me.
Trina Brielle says:
Thanks so much for sharing that insider information. I JUST started my blog after putting it off for about 2 years and although I still have my day job I must admit I LOVE to blog. Maybe not full time yet but maybe one day. Keep up the good work, I love reading your stories and seeing your style through your pictures! Best of luck in the future.
Robyn S. says:
This is beautiful, Karen! I’ve been reading your blog since pretty much the beginning (I started my own in February 2010:–now much neglected, sorry to say), and your posts have always struck me as creative, inspired, and authentically you. Kudos to you for your bravery in facing the free fall!
Karen says:
wow thank you for reading this blog for so long!
Robyn S. says:
Karen–kudos to you for your bravery! I’ve been reading your blog since the beginning (I started my own, now-neglected blog exactly a year later in Feb. 2010–, and your posts have always struck me as creative, inspired, and authentically you. Though I’ve been lucky to find a 9-5 job that I love, your story of taking the leap is inspiring, and the world is a better place because you chose to be your best self.
Karen says:
Reading ‘your best self’ really stuck a chord Robyn…’s very true.
duckalicious says:
this time last year, I quit my job.
apparently, my situation was quite similar to yours – I HATED my job so much. it was one of those boring office jobs where you just waste your life away day by day, not really knowing what you’re doing there and what’s the fucking purpose of that whole organization. I had been working there for three years and it was getting worse by the day. it sucked so much life out of me, I honestly don’t have a clue how I lasted that long. all that for a crappy pay (crappy compared to how much I fucking struggled there) and a false feeling of security (back then I had no idea how to embrace the uncertainty of life, I’ve been learning to do so since).
anyway … I’m glad to know you’re making it with your blog. I wish I could see that happening for me too, but I really don’t think it is. I’m continuing to embrace the uncertainty as I begin every new day. it’s not easy, but at least I’m feeling free. it was a really hard decision to quit that job without having something else waiting for me, but it had to be done and it proved to be one of my best decisions ever.
Anonymous says:
What an inspiration!
Miss Funny Face says:
Hi Karen! Thanks for sharing this! I just got home from work feeling really low and reading this post was such a boost for my confidence 🙂
Cortnie Elizabeth says:
Lovely and inspiring post Karen! I had a similar experience earlier this year. I actually learned to sew and started making and selling oversized clutches last year. When I stopped working it was scary, but I tried to look at it as an opportunity to push my bags and make a name for myself. Turns out, I’ve been quite successful for my first year. It amazes me. And I love what I’m doing and it’s the first time I can say it and mean it. Thank you for sharing! Check out my bags some time at!
Steph B-More says:
Loved this. Inspiring. Motivating.
Thank You.
Unknown says:
Karen, this was right on time. My last day working is next Friday. After being unhappy and depressed (literally) for the better part of a year, I gave my employer a month’s notice. Now I’m looking forward to working full time at growing my own small business designing and creating jewelry. Thanks for this, it was a great reminder 🙂
We can be happy. -Khaliah
Unknown says:
Karen, this was right on time. My last day working is next Friday. After being unhappy and depressed (literally) for the better part of a year, I gave my employer a month’s notice. Now I’m looking forward to working full time at growing my own small business designing and creating jewelry. Thanks for this, it was a great reminder 🙂
We can be happy. -Khaliah
Catherine xx says:
You are really a wonderful person. I’m from the UK and I graduated two years ago with a first class degree, but since then haven’t found a graduate job. In the mean time I began writing my first novel, and two years later I have grown and improved and I can see this becoming something wonderful in the end. If I had found a graduate job, I never would have made the progress I have with my book. Of course I feel the pinch of poverty daily and I cry about it all the time, but when I write I feel a deep solace and I know everything WILL be all right. I have read your blog for two years now and I am happy and proud of your success, Karen, and inspired by your growth and determination. x
msmegamo says:
I am fan of your blog and after reading this, it solidifies it! Your story is incredible inspiring to me because I too was laid off at a job that I hated last year. I didn’t feel like my life was moving in the right direction and decide to go back to school and just recently started my blog ( as a creative outlet. I am so glad that you have accomplished so much physically and emotionally by choosing your own path and passion. It is so scary sometimes when there is a lack of security of a job in your life but you really turned your situation into an opportunity instead of a failure. GET IT GIRL! Thank you so much for telling us this.
msmegamo says:
Thank you so much for sharing this. Your story is so inspiring. I was laid off from a job I hated last year. I decided to go back to school to pursue a career path I was passionate about. I haven’t found it yet but reading your story makes me believe that I have made the right choice. It can be very scary when your financial security is draining you physically and emotionally. But I too have started blogging as a creative outlet. Thank you for inspiring me and sharing your story.
Wanted LOVE says:
Loved it!! tks so much for sharing!
Angela says:
Thank you so much for this! So inspiring.
Marjy says:
Story of my life!! I was also laid off at a job I hated last October. I’m still looking for work but now with all this time on my hands, I finally opened up an online thrift shop. Now, my next step is starting up my own “geek squad”. I wasn’t the happiest when it happened, but at least I’m doing better now. This was right on time.. thanks for sharing!
Jenny Ekberg says:
Oh WOW Karen. You are so amazing, such an inspiration.
I have a 9-5 job which I LOVE, but making jewellery still is my passion so I do the whole night thing plus that I have a huge “blended family”. I wish I could cut out sleep…
nina says:
How amazing and inspiring your story is!
Nana says:
I love this story, not only because of the moral of the story but because I identify with it SO MUCH. Almost exactly one year I was laid of from my job at a big bank and though I HATED it, it paid my bills and put food on the table. Though, as you said, having the rug pulled out from under me was rather overwhelming, it was the push I needed to follow my passion, take an internship in fashion and focus on my startup. I know I’m not alone but you’re story is truly inspiring for us going through the same thing
Promise To Repeat says:
Love this post! Thank you very much. I often go back and forth on pursing my dream job because of the uncertainty of success. Its hard to give up “the comfortable” job. I now believe that success follows in whatever you love to do. True happiness and fulfillment is greater than any monetary value.
Great post. Greatly appreciated. Love you, love your style, love your blog!
Dave Guymon says:
Karen, I recently came across your website while doing research for a project that I am doing about blogging. Your story is inspirational and like so many other solopreneurs who made lemonade out of lemons with their blog in the wake of a lay-off. Kudos to you and keep up the great work.
Live TV says:
Really awesome 🙂
Great story!! My story!! Love your blog, it helps me re-invent my wardrobe. Thank you!
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Sophie Sierra says:
You are such an inspiration Karen! I found your wonderful blog almost three years ago now and still enjoy every post you do. I recall reading this entry back then and it struck a real chord with me – I hated my job, dreaded going in everyday.. it wasn’t my passion and I stuck it out just because I was scared and stuck in a rut. Your blog gave me the motivation and hope to start my own which I did in April this year and I love every minute of it, so glad I ignored my nerves and went for it. To think this time last year I wasn’t blogging, seems crazy. I quit my own job this summer also, to follow my dreams and goals and even though it is a long road, you are so right, life is too short and you have to take your chances and ride with it.
Sophie xo soinspo
Christina of Profresh Style says:
my inspiration boo <3
Lainey says:
This hits so close to home for me, I actually cried whilst reading it. I graduated with a BA in performing arts in 2009. Already a difficult decision for my parents because they wanted so much more for me and didn’t want me struggling throughout my 20s, but honestly if it were up to me, I would’ve saved them the debt from a college education and moved to NYC to pursue my dream. Flash forward 4 years later, and I still haven’t used my degree and haven’t done anything remotely creative since 2011. My passion for performing is what used to drive me every single day, and now-with having to pay the bills, and getting closer to 30, the more stress I have in terms of keeping the job I’m in just to stay afloat. But man, do I want to just run away sometimes and focus on myself and just perform. Whether it be singing or acting. I just want to be creative and not have to sit at my desk job every single day, wondering when I’ll be able to catch a break. Your post truly inspired me and hopefully soon, I will have the courage to just do what I need to do in order to be happy with my life. We only have one life to live after all-we should definitely make the most of it and make every day count. xo
Emani Mone says:
The quote at the end just scared me.. not a bad scared but a good scared I was just watching steve jobs’ documentary the other day. Thank you for giving me the secondary wisdom to do what I love. Since I am young enough and have no life altering responsibilities it wont be a problem
Thank you! You just gained a apprentice!
norulejuststyle says:
This is one of the most inspirational posts I’ve ever read. I’m so glad you shared your story. It’s like you read my thoughts. I love your blog and I look forward to future posts.