1 Stupid Easy Sweatshirt DIY


Get a plain sweatshirt. This is from H&M for men.

Pick your iron-on embellishment from a trimmings shop and lay them out on your sweatshirt.
Optional: use pins to mark where you think you want the trim to go.


I went with across the shoulder in 2 rows and the upper sleeves.


Layer a teflon sheet over the coins.
Place a hot iron with steam on top of the sheet for approx 20 seconds checking half way.   The heat and steam bonds the coins to the sweatshirt (the coins have glue underneath that’s heat activated).


Done in 20 minutes!

Options: Imagine the coins down the sleeves only and closer together or on the torso only.  Your sweatshirt – your experiment.

embellished sweatshirt

This is just a guide but a good trim shop has loads of choices: stars, studs, squares, pyramids – also pieces like this from the DIY Marant jeans would look sick on a black sweatshirt.


After wearing this H&M studded sweatshirt it was time to show how easy it is to try your own using what you want.

Or sod the DIY all together and get this one done for you.

Happy Friday!!

K x


  1. Anael says:

    Definitely boomarking this!

  2. Jolie Angie says:

    Great DIY love it 🙂 Its Fantastic

  3. Ashley Taylor says:

    I like this but I feel like it’d be a bitch to wash. They’d fall off and stuff :

    xo Ashley

  4. Jane says:

    So cool and easy to do : this one is for me !! Thanks 😉

  5. Li Chen says:

    super cute, thanks for sharing!

  6. Patti Graveley says:

    this is diy for dummies… like me!! 😛 thanks for sharing!!

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