Last Wednesday I was in semi tourist/semi photographer mode after attending the Canon #BRINGIT tour, a behind the scenes access to some of New York’s iconic areas including Marchesa studios, backstage access to the broadway play “A Gentlemans Guide To Love And Murder” plus gourmet lunch at the Palace Hotel.
Using the Canon macro lens to show detail
Feather details on a dress, I used the Canon EF 40mm f/2.8 STM fixed lens
White roses (love this shot) taken with the EF 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS II lens
At the Palace Hotel – I used the EF-S 18-135mm f/3.5-5.6 IS STM
Last photo posted to show the quality difference between Instagramming with a smartphone versus a DSLR.
( I’m wearing my leopard teddy coat – similar here + faux leather skinnies).
( I’m wearing my leopard teddy coat – similar here + faux leather skinnies).
The point of the tour was to “bring it” with photography and see the difference a Canon camera and lens can make. I used a Canon EOS Rebel SL1 camera which is teeny – it fit in my hand! I used it to upload photos with a wireless SD card to Instagram and Twitter versus my smart phone which is convenient but is a night and day quality difference. See the above OOTD photo versus the Canon photos (all on Instagram).
I used the tour as a chance to experiment with my photography plus see New York areas that I hadn’t before.
ps. That Marchesa dress and clutch are still on my mind.
pps. After using the EOS Rebel SL1 (the world’s smallest/lightest DSLR camera), I am officially looking for a smaller camera to carry around daily. Should I? Does anyone else prefer to upload DSLR pictures to Instagram instead of just using their smartphone? Use #BRINGIT this Christmas so I can see if you have 😉

Great post!
Sinead says:
Personally, I think the whole purpose of a social media site like IG is defeated if you use a DSLR. Immediately, you lose the spontaneity that shooting with a mobile phone provides. Or at least, that’s what I’ve found to be the case. I would make an exception for IG feeds that are presented as online portfolios in order to get the attention of a photo editor, creative director, etc. In that case, I would say post the best possible photo, which probably means a photo that was shot with a DSLR.
The camera on my Samsung Galaxy S4 is good enough for IG, I find. I can post without being too critical of the photo. What I’m sharing is my life. If people want to look at my work, they can go to my website. If I’m showing my professional work, which I almost never do on IG, I do use DSLR images, though. But the minute I do that, I’m “on.” The relaxed feel of posting something just to share it is gone and the whole experience is very different.
Many new DSLRs have WIFI now, so you could always go that route if you wanted, but you would still be left hauling around a camera and a mobile.
That said, I am of the mind that it’s really not about the camera. A decent photographer should be able to get a great shot with a disposable film camera, if it comes to that, but of course he couldn’t then post it online without the help of technology, so…
To answer your original question, no, I would not buy the smaller camera.
Oh, and I’m a Nikon girl. Now and forever. 🙂
Dominique Candido says:
new post up!
ibee128 says:
This is just amazing. I adore your blog! I started a blog a month or two ago and I have been using my mom’s camera, but I really want my own. I was wondering if you had a suggestion for a cheaper version of the camera you use?
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