There have been many times in my life where I have lusted after a particular item of clothing. I think it all started when I was 8 and I saw a purple crushed velvet puff ball skirt on a stall at our local market (this was the 80’s. In England. We all bought cheap clothes off of the market in those days don’t judge me) I begged my mum for weeks to buy it, she finally caved after about a month and I loved that skirt with my whole heart.
These days I have to buy my own clothes and my tastes are unfortunately a lot more expensive than the local market. I’m happy with high street on the whole but every so often there’s something more high-end that I HAVE to HAVE RIGHT NOW! I was struck by this all-encompassing need a few months ago when I saw these babies…
It took me 2 weeks to justify buying them to myself, but I figure if you are going to spend a lot of money on something, make it shoes or a handbag as you’ll never get too fat for shoes or handbags.
I mean, just look at them, why would anyone NOT want a pair of Granny shoes that look like they’ve come out of a Christmas Cracker? They elevate any outfit. When you wear them you feel like the Queen Mother on acid. You can’t stop looking at your feet. Other people can’t stop looking at your feet. Men will not understand them, but other women will go insane with shoe envy (and that’s what really counts isn’t it?)
If you are also a fan of the mid block heel Granny shoe, but not a fan of the expense of Gucci, then obviously the high street has got wind of this trend and there are a few options out there.
Office has done them in Gold and Black Suede:
Dune also have a ‘homage’ in silver, brown and black.
In summary, I bloody love these Gold Gucci shoes with my whole heart. If not more that that ’80s crushed velvet puff ball skirt.
I *may* have just bought them in red too, but let’s keep that between us for now as I can’t really justify that yet, but I will, oh yes, I will.
P.S. For those born after the 1980s, here’s Princess Diana in a classic example of a puff ball skirt.
Post by Kate Hiscox

Liv says:
Obsessed with the shoes.
Karen Blanchard says:
Same! All day every day unfortunately.
Jules says:
You can justify the red ones, they go with your bag! ❤️
Karen Blanchard says:
The reds were I believe bought by Kate!
Lorena Lorena says:
Oh wow – what a great buy. A woman deserves nice things, besides we can’t take money with us in the afterlife. Spend it here.
Karen Blanchard says:
LOL! so true