Considering how much I love mustard right now, I really only own one thing that’s truly mustard and it’s this Topshop raw edge blazer. It sold out within days of hitting their site and one random size popped up and I grabbed it.
The size of it (oversized) has been a bone of contention on my YouTube channel. Many have said it’s too big for and yet I love it so much. Sorry, this is one that I can’t chuck. You can see those ‘don’t keep it!!’ comments in full under my controversial coat purge YouTube video. You can also read more about purging your closet via this brilliant article from Daria that still rings so true in every way.
I teamed my purge proof blazer with tight red sock boots and a teeny fur bag which I found a good lookalike to here also in black.
Question: What is the one closet piece that you just cannot let go and is purge proof?
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