This is one of the biggest questions moving around right now in fashion and quite rightly correct?
Think about it. How DO you keep trying out new things and updating your wardrobe without contributing to land fill? It’s something that I think about although being that I love vintage, it’s been a natural thing for me to not buy new all the time but still, it’s really about our behavior. You can buy buy buy all the vintage that there is but that’s not exactly living sustainably is it if you’re constantly buying versus wearing? Conversely you can buy a brand new pair of jeans from, wait for it Zara, but you wear them to death season after season even year after year and THAT to me is more sustainable than buying mass quantities of vintage or thrift which you end up also chucking out every few weeks.
Working as a content creator in the fashion space it’s part of my job to show the new things from brands, but my every day life still rotates around wearing the same pair of jeans and a loose shirt whether new or old. I don’t have the answer for this, but I can say that from reading more articles about what goes into producing one garment, it does make me cling closer to shopping thrift and vintage pieces. Having said that though do I love a bit of something new? Of course. Most of us do. It’s probably why you’re even on my blog right now reading this!
I think eventually borrowing sites like Rent The Runway will become increasingly popular as the conversation on how to be sustainable grows. You get new clothes to wear and don’t have to keep stock piling your wardrobe. In fact I can see retailers adopting this as an option to buying, switching to a borrowing system instead. Imagine borrowing from Zara? Could you? Think about it: Zara get’s paid. You get to wear that thing for a while and return it. It’s a thought…
Also pre-loved sites like The Real Real and Vestaire Collective will continue to increase in popularity for not only buying gently used but also as options for you to sell things to as well. I got my Loewe Puzzle tan small bag from Vestaire brand new with tags on so remember they do sell new things too.
Let me know your take on how to be sustainable or at least trying to be in the fashion space. The more we talk about it, especially on social media, the more retailers will have to respond and do their part too.
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