Thought I’d show you a little of my home again.
I use the mannequin to display something I’m thinking about. This is a recent find from a vintage shop. The lace reminds me a little of this Valentino (I can dream!). I pinned the front to change the shape and to give it a modern twist. I see this with strappy flats now and with beat up boots when it’s colder.
My crowded dresser. Full of make up, jewelry and bits and pieces. It’s messy and it’s all accessible.
The watches I rotate between. The mens ID bracelet far left is one of my favorite recent pieces to wear with everything.
My hats stacked on top of a sewing table in the corner of the bedroom.
A part of my wardrobe including clothes hanging from the doors. Behind that, vintage bags hang on the corner of a large standing mirror. The rest of my bags are piled above the clothes on a shelf.
Sir Oliver loves yellow toys for some reason. This duck is his favorite because of the squeaky piece inside of it. He’s my distraction to get away from my desk and go for daily walks.
I love burning scented candles (this one is my favourite) and incense. It’s a several times a day ritual.
A few trinkets on top of my chest of drawers. It’s a mix of vintage and new designs. The large turquoise cuff was a find from East London.
A recent beaded top found at Beacons Closet. It’s by Tibi. I LOVE the faded pink and beaded neck and slit bracelet sleeves. It has huge covered buttons running up the back. Very Mad Men. I’ll show it on me soon.
Some of the shoes: Left to right:
YSL Johnny mens leopard boots. Snake skin boots (DIY cut to ankle and metal tips added). Balenciaga cut out boots (seen on me here). Topshop Metal toe cap heels. All Saints white moccasins. Vintage mens loafers. Valentino studded flats.
Left to right:
Theyskens Theory metal trimmed wester booties. George Cox creepers. London Underground red winkle pickers. Chloe Susan boots (so glad they came back). Alexa Chung for Madewell leopard print boots (snagged the last pair in my size on the shelf). All Saints Damisi boots.
Thought it was time to share a few bits and bobs in my home. This is what I see every day when pottering around getting ready to go out or if I’m staying in working on projects.
See my old post on my home here.

I absolutely loved this !! Thank you so much for taking the time to show us your space. It inspires me to reorganize my room and most importantly my closet 😉
Raspberry and Rouge says:
I love it! XO Rebecca
Her Persona says:
amazing shoe collection and great jewels
Mademoiselle Kier says:
amazing collection of hats
Helen says:
It looks absolutely lovely, so nice to see what your home looks like, it really matches up to your style!
seostilbonleela says:
crazyly insightful post. If only it was as easy to implement some of the solutions as it was to read and nod my head at each of your points
Eat.Style.Play says:
your home is super cozy looking!
E. says:
Okay… I want that turquoise cuff and those Valentino studded flats. You’ve got so many great pieces!
Collections says:
That beaded top from Beacon’s is incredible. Love the photo of your dog as well.
Angie Ang says:
Great photos! Cant wait to see that top on you!
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( . .)
Soul Pretty says:
Loved it! I often wonder where all you fabulous fashionista keep all your clothes…I have 3 closets, all stuffed floor to ceiling with clothes…and I end up wearing the same 6 pieces everyday! I would love to be able to see everything I own and put my hands on them…lol. Thanks for the peek.
Felicity says:
I’m such a nosey parker, I love post like these! Sir Oliver is gorgeous! x says:
Augh, I just want to move into your closet, haha. And I am so jealous you found that Tibi at Beacon’s Closet! Well done!
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Kells says:
You have an AWESOME apartment! I love the decor, the design, the rings, the dog! It’s all amazing!
Ria says:
Definitely wishing I had as many hats as you.
Anonymous says:
Love Love Love!!!!! so cool, realy diggin’ ur style in all aspects!!!! from vintage retro gal, blessings :)) xoxo
Simona says:
Firtst of all, i love your dog, it is a Springer no? Hunting dogs are the sweetest. Thanks for tge post, love your hat collection!
style-xyz says:
this is gorgeous!
Bespoke Biddie says:
thanks for letting me in its awesome!
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Watch Full Movie Online says:
very nice collection 🙂