Jacket: Zara. Dress & wool shawl scarf: Thrift. Necklace: Vintage. Bag: Thrift DIY studded. Rubber wellies: Hunter. Stone ring: New Orleans street vendor
With snow piles everywhere, I recently did a photo shoot in the city.
(Details to follow when it’s launched soon!)
I stuffed my proper shoes and a grey hoodie inside a canvas bag and wore my rubber wellies to and from the location.
Sequin dress with rubber boots? Only in New York….

FashionHippieLoves says:
gorgeous dress!
Jacqueline says:
Love that long dress and the necklace is a beautiful find! Congrats on the photo shoot. xo
brandi says:
love the jacket 🙂
Detta says:
GREAT dress!I actually gasped a little,haha,I’ve been looking for a great raspberry dress for a while.If only my thrift finds were so lucky!
Catherine says:
Too fabulous!
Is the Zara jacket recent? The shape/look is just perfect.
Scorpion Disco says:
beautiful necklace!!! and I love the maxi-dress/leather jacket combo. thank god for maxi dresses, oui?
Cindy says:
love the wellies and your necklace is amazing!
can;t wait to see what you’ve been up too.
Valencia Lia says:
The long dress is so gorgeous! And I do really love that blazer over it:) There’s so much snow around .And yes to more long dresses from you,you always are such an inspiration!
The Sound of Lace says:
gosh i just love that dress! the color is amazing!
unstoppablestyle says:
you always get the best thrift finds. throw some of those stores my way! lol
Phoebe Rose says:
That is such an incredible dress!
Anushka says:
I think the dress looked better at night (when u posted those party pictures) the colour and sequins really stood out which gave it it’s showstopper appeal. In the day, it just looks a little out of place.
Love the jacket, though 🙂
Mila says:
omg what a stunning dress!
Viviana* says:
i like the vintage necklace!
Suz says:
i love the necklace
LUU H. says:
i loved the leather jacket, it fits very well with the sewuin dress 🙂 omg, if only i had found some thrift stores in this town.
Connie says:
Love the dress and jacket combnation.
The Heartbreak
Iole says:
love the dress
The dress and neckpiece are gorgeous
Coco and Zaahb says:
I love the dress
Aimee says:
I love the necklace you’re wearing! I’m currently searching for big statement necklaces for my spring wardrobe.
In Class, En Vogue
Tom Tuttle from Tacoma says:
great combo!
Clara says:
Laaarvvee the dress. Finally we get to see this dress after all the teasers on here and twitter! The necklace is great as well. Outfit looks great as always, wellies and all.
Alecto says:
Agh! That dress just reminds me of how crappy the thrift stores are around me. siiiiigh…
Fashion-Vanity says:
I love how you wear rubber boots with a sequin dress and leather jacket.
summer dresses says:
I love the summer dress with the biker jacket on top.
Crystal says:
If it is wet I wear my Wellies no matter what the rest of the outfit is. The funny thing is, I get more compliments on my Wellies than anything else! Love the sequin/leather combo!
Malena says:
Amazing colour of the dress!
Anonymous says:
Nice outfit ! Really “you” !!!
Caroline, No. says:
You and your amazing thrifted long dresses and skirts! Love!
Glamour Bbey. says:
Awesome dress!
The Style Revolution says:
Love Love Love!!!
Camilla says:
Fab with the wellies- I love it.
Nika says:
love the look karen
Amy says:
You look amazing! And when we had snow in London, I did the wellies and sequins combo too, haha!
The Style Strutter says:
Stunning!! Love the colour of the dress!!
popdisorder says:
i cant i,agine me wearing such kind of stuff but you look just gorgeous
Birgitte says:
Amazing jacket and bag!
Adore it!
xoxo Birgitte
All Women Stalker says:
The color of your dress is very pretty. And yay for daytime sequins 🙂
Laura and Ane says:
ahh you look absolutely gorgeouuss 😉
ak says:
love the way you made the soft dress edgy..such a cool outfit.
Karen says:
Jacqueline – thx! and thx for always being here….
Detta – its always hit or miss!
Scorpion Disco – oui oui!
Cindy – me too lol!! as in how it all came out ; )
Clara – true lol… it at least i do the odd preview on twitter.
Anushka – I hear you but its me to go against the norm if I’m in the mood. LIke I was then!
Amy – great minds?
mimi sioux says:
VERY niccce dress
although maybe woulda been nicer if the glitter wasn’t glitter, no…?
Editor says:
love the that dress it’s gorgeous
D e g a i n e
Emily says:
That giant ring is gorgeous!!!! Caroline, No directed me here and I love it! x London Zest
Karen says:
thx guys
Emily – its a favourite. Caroline?
Mega says:
You look really nice.
TheLeoDuo says:
Love your hair and outfit! It’s very unique and u look beyond chic!
The Leo Duo
“Let’s Just Say…We Agree To Disagree”
Karen says:
Thx Meg and TheLeoDuo (interesting name there)