instead of denim

Shorts: Topshop (wear boy shorts underneath)
Add your fave old T-shirt and leather sandals. Done. 
These are none too shabby either:
Mytheresa shorts
Suede Utiliti shorts
Pencey Standard runner shorts
Nightcap Clothing shorts
Alice & Olivia printed shorts
Twenty8twelve Ottoman shorts


  1. Lily says:

    So cute !! Loving all the knits this season.


  2. Yevgeniya Yelkina says:

    wow, i love it when we find ourselves in a trend, and keep modifying and creating new unexpected pieces that correspond with that trend. reinvention. This year’s crochet shorts are last year’s crocheted summer dresses. liquid leggings become leather pant staple.


  3. Jiawa says:

    Finally, someone else as jaded with denim as I am 🙂

  4. SAMANTHA says:

    I got some crochet shorts just like that at h&m last week, they’re a little more white though, I loveee them for summer!! 🙂


  5. Anna says:

    Very cool!


  6. Lena says:

    Nice find! That’s such a unique piece for sb to own! 🙂

    Love, Lena!

  7. Monroe Steele says:

    Ha ha..remember when they went and got these for me at the Top Shop blogger/writer event!

    Great post Karen. They also have some pretty awesome ones at UO as well.

    xoxo Monroe

    Fashion Steele NYC

  8. Sia says:

    Cool shorts! x

  9. Ramona says:

    Awwwwww! how adorable!

    xoxo Ra

  10. Alicia says:

    LOVE these, but paying $75+ for a pair of shorts that barely covers my bum…. they better be made of some pure spun gold, lol.

  11. Tania Galyon says:

    Hi, this blog is really amazing .After reading some nice stuff in your article I really feel speechless, because it is quit pretty article.

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