Suede jacket: Vintage. Suede skirt: Vintage. You saw it before last year in this older post. Lookalikes from Topshop. Bag: Gucci. Blouse: H&M. Flats: Sigerson Morrison. These pointy loafers aren’t bad either.
Wow I couldn’t believe my eyes when I found this suede jacket last month-ish ago at Urban Jungle in Brooklyn. I showed you guys that place in this older post remember? It’s one of my favorites now.
Like a jigsaw puzzle the jacket seemed like the missing piece to this get up. Course it’s too bloody hot to wear it now but come October I am all over it again.
Surplus pic on Instagram.
ps. I updated my shop with more goodies🙂

Jennifer Nweji says:
You’re right, the look is very Gucci-ish. Love every detail on the skirt. Also love how the jacket is like an in-between shade of brown from the two shades on the skirt. Perfect vintage pairing! Very 70’s 🙂
Jennisis Of Chic
Karen Blanchard says:
Omg its that skirt!! It’s like magic and makes stuff look better. I’m so chuffed to have found it last year! Good point on the coloring on the jacket. Didn’t think of it that way till you said that
DK from Wembley says:
Wow! When I saw this post the words London and 70’s popped into my head. Your hair and makeup definitely modernized this look. I like…Old always becomes new again.
Karen Blanchard says:
I think of London too because of the brick wall! Thank you
foodfashionandflow says:
I am in love with your skirt. Such a chic look
Karen Blanchard says:
Thank you It’s my fave ever skirt find!
imade ohenhen says:
Quite stunning outfit. Really cute
Gucci Pants