Photo taken from this 2011 post.
I still miss these boots.
I have around 1,325,442 pairs of boots (check my home and shoe shelf in this older post) but I still miss these boots.
I weekly wardrobe purge to try and work with less (read about the struggles of purging here) but I still miss these boots.
They were one size too small for me but I still miss these boots.
Confession: I’ve searched eBay periodically for years, still looking for these bloody boots. I just checked now as I’m writing this.
I remember getting them at Opening Ceremony and they were the ONLY ones left but in one size too small. Heck technically my feet could get in them.
I got rid of them weeks later after I reasoned that I’ll never stretch them out (that was before I heard of a magic shoe stretching spray via my mate Paula).
So yeah, I still miss these boots and I want them back.
What’s the one thing you wished you’d kept? At least we can cry together.

Nico says:
Well, I understand your feelings, those boots were really amazing.
lb-lc fashion blog
Karen Blanchard says:
Thanks. Clearly I’ve not got over it
Lera says:
I had a metallic Coach oversized clutch-crossbody, and I sold it on e-bay…I wish I never did! I search it occasionally but have never seen that style ever…((
The boots are great!
Karen Blanchard says:
oh no. I know this feeling too well
Charleena Fan says:
Pamela Love for Nine West boots, just like you I do a periodically search for them and keep an eye out in the consignment shops. I know that Jeffery Campbell did a style just like those if you are looking for a just the look.
Karen Blanchard says:
holy shi* your right JC DID make a version of it. Now two things to look for although the OC Rodarte would be the ideal. Thank you. I know the PL 9West boots you speak of. I have those! Keep looking they have to be out there.
coffeeslag says:
Question! The Mansur bag that you’re selling, is it this one?
I’m super debating buying it as a birthday present for myself 🙂 Just trying to figure out sizing, etc!
Karen Blanchard says:
I can’t see the photo. email me: [email protected]
the style potato says:
OH. MY. GOD. THESE BOOTS. These boots haunt me until this very day. I ALSO searched eBay periodically for years for these boots and they NEVER pop up!!! They’re like an urban legend or something……..
Karen Blanchard says:
Urban legend is right. I want someone to just get rid already so we can snap them up
Pree @ Bombshell Antics says:
Sooo cute. Sorry for you loss?! LOL. Nothing as of yet. I recently purge before moving to Korea. I didn’t get rid of anything I wish I kept. I’m revamping my wardrobe so it was nice letting go of some things!
Helen Christinis says:
I remember when you got those amazing boots (gosh, I’ve been enjoying your blog for so many years!) and wondered from time to time why I never saw them anymore on here. I generally hang onto things I love, but I did get rid of a pair of heeled Dr Martens boots because they bloody well killed my feet, but I often think how well they’d go with a particular outfit I’m wearing and a bit of regret creeps in. Shame they hurt so much!
Karen Blanchard says:
LOL yes you have been to remember these boots. Yeah should’ve kept the damn things and suffered. I know that statement doesn’t make sense except in the heads of people like mine. Sorry about the Docs! I bet they could be found again though. Docs are pretty good in the pre worn market!
Faye Jones says:
Beautiful boots. Not something I wish I’d kept but I saw the most beaut pair of over the knee leather boots in a vintage shop just last month but they were just a tiny bit too small. Not too expensive either. My mum convinced me not to get that – I still kinda wish I had!
Faye x
i wish i could wink
Karen Blanchard says:
omg vintage over the knees?? crap I’d have been all over that too if they’d fit. Not that this is the right time of year. Ugh oh no! do you reckons they might be there?
Faye Jones says:
I know! They might be, the thing is I live in Dubai at the moment and they’re in Bristol in the UK!
Karen Blanchard says:
Ok not around the corner then!
SEB says:
Hi. Luv your blog. So what’s the magic shoe stretch spray?!
Karen Blanchard says:
Its by Collonil!!!! Geeet iiiiiiiit
Cassie Little says:
Will this work on cotton espadrilles?