Leather tote: Madewell.
When I pack to go away, these are the travel tips I use to make it easier. Whether you’re going on a stag do trip with your friends to get up to some of the activities you can find on sites like https://stagmadness.com/krakow or you’re going on a girls trip to Paris for the weekend, taking a look at some of these tips may help you have a stress free holiday, which is what we all deserve!
Try one the next time you go away. I always use a leather bag made by australian designers to ensure that the bag lasts a long time. Leather is a great fabric and it looks amazing with every outfit too!
Remembering what to pack: I run my typical get-ready routine in my head and pack the items as I mentally re-play ‘using them.’ The items in bold are what I pack as I replay my routine: Get in shower. Place shower cap. Use shower gel or soap with sponge. Brush teeth with toothbrush. Wash face with (facial soap). Apply SPF. I repeat the story of what I do at nights and the same for applying and removing make up/going to bed.
My facial products are in flip top lids. I place a small piece of tape over the lids and place them in zip lock bags. The one time I didn’t, a lid opened (plane pressure?) and half my cleanser is on my clothes. Lovely.
Pack one thing for the opposite weather that you are traveling to. I packed a light jacket (good for cold plane flights) and a small brolley for St. Lucia. The latter has been used because of frequent stop/start showers.
Headphones! For possible flight delays/long layovers/watching flight films or binge watching Orange is The New Black on the phone/ipad.
Cell phone costs: Turn off cellular data under settings when you land in another country. Switch it back on when you return. I made the mistake of leaving mine and got slapped with an approx $1,000 phone bill.
Baby powder to control perspiration in hot countries. I got this tip after seeing kids in St Lucia with baby powder on their skin peeking out from under their clothes. Even though I’ve been coming to St. Lucia forever I still can’t stop perspiring while here and powder under tees or dresses changed my life. Sounds dramatic but it sort of did. Also Mum doesn’t have AC in her home which is another bloody reason.
Rolling clothes avoids them creasing in a packed suitcase. I watched a cousin do it then read about it years later in magazines.
I try (try being the key word) and keep my bed clothes at the top and slip them under the pillow when I unzip the suitcase versus rummaging for them five minutes before sleeping.
International adaptors: Keep one in your suitcase so you don’t forget one to re-charge phones, iPads or laptops without worrying about different systems.
Hopefully one of these helps if you haven’t gone away – yet.