The Trench Coat

How to wear trench coats

the best spring trench coats

Mark Cross Grace bag

This was the month of the non detective trench coat for me.  The above one is from Mr Larkin and has just enough style details to feel a little different without looking ‘too much.’

In true law of attraction mode, a beige counter part was stumbled upon after weeks of quietly scanning online and on the high street.  After a coat purge, I’d gotten rid of every last plain camel coat (I know sacrilege but nothing fitted right), so a beige trench coat is my seasonal ‘wardrobe hold’ fill and it came in the form of, all things, a Burberry trench almost identical to this one.  You can see the finding on my Instagram stories where I live streamed buying it from a thrift shop (the story is saved so you can still see it).

If you’re still looking for a trench coat, check out some below found online.   An obvious teaming with denim jeans but equally cool cinched or left open over track pants, dresses, sneakers or kitten heels or sandals.  You get the point.

Let the outfit rotations begin.

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