Shirt: Thrifted. I like this Equipment one on sale or try Missguided. Skirt: Zara. Sandals: Celine. Lookalikes from Jeffrey Campbell (shocker) and NastyGal. Bag: Vintage Coach (on sale in tan). Shades: Ray-Ban foldable wayfarers
The Coach bag must’ve got it’s cost per wear in buckets by now. After all these years it’s still a fave. Here’s an older post showing the cream and one of the black ones. Bags and shoes are my weakness in case you hadn’t already gathered, but there’s always that one or two that I keep wearing. These old Coach bags are one of them. A blog reader named Coffeslag mentioned loving the same bags in this trend post.
Do you have a bag that you keep going back to no matter what?

Dominique says:
Karen Blanchard says:
Thanks Dominique : )
Budgetnista Kia says:
Love This Look! I’ve recently started reaching for this old Gucci duffle I bought YEARS ago! I think I keep going back to it because I can fit EVERYTHING in it lol
Karen Blanchard says:
Well makes sense then! don’t get rid of it!
Diana says:
I have this in black! I love it! It’s super cute in red!
Karen Blanchard says:
oh really? Didn’t know that. Great aren’t they?
Diana says:
Yes! I was so excited to find one on eBay at a decent price!
Nico says:
That bag is really cool!
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Karen Blanchard says:
Thanks its classic
coffeeslag says:
Oooooh, tempted to get that one on sale, and that’s my fave color in it too! But I spent way too much on the Net-A-Porter sale sigggnh.
Interested comment re: Jeffrey Campbell shoes. I remember when they first came out, I thought they had such interesting shoes but I’ve been noticing more and more lately that they’ve almost become Steve Madden-ish (at a much higher price point) in that they copy a lot of designer shoes.
COFFEESLAG choices from the NetAPorter Sale
Karen Blanchard says:
LOLOL!! yea NAP is bad but the one on sale *IS* a classic go with everything colour. Ok I’ll stop 🙂 Yes JC is sort of known really for doing that. You name the it shoe of the season and JC will have a version within weeks.
Mary Gui says:
love that bag and your sandals!
Karen Blanchard says:
Thanks Mary! still love that bag after what 8 years?
Mary Gui says:
Vintage bags are the best!