Sticking to the classics with a slight twist.
Lurex top: Mens H&M. Skirt: Topshop (try this pink one). Boots: Topshop. Bag: Vintage. Shades: Ray-Ban Wayfarers in leather: Available at Sunglass Hut.
London Fashion Week ended earlier this month and I have to say that I miss London!! I need to cross the pond pronto.
Ray-Ban’s always make me think of the place being they are a nod to punk without being literal. These ones are leather which is an update to the usual foldables you see on here and will be good for Autumn. Everything else you’ve seen here before!
Coming from East London I realize why I’m always drawn to punk elements like creepers, leopard print, vintage and now the hair chop. It’s a reflection of my British roots.

Madeliene Rose says:
Oh that is a good green:)
Karen Blanchard says:
nothing beats a good bottle green!
Dominique says:
Karen Blanchard says:
Thank you!
Sinead says:
LOVE those boots! (Cue Nancy Sinatra…) 🙂
Karen Blanchard says:
ok you lost me
Sinead says:
LOL! Of course I did. It’s because I’m older than dirt and you’re — not. 🙂 It was a reference to the Nancy Sinatra song, “These Boots are Made for Walkin’.” Very popular around the same time that white go-go boots first made the scene. When I was a little kid, my mother used to play that song all. the. time.