Sometimes a repeat purchase is better the second time around…
Wool poncho: Maison Jules. Seen before with fringe boots. Similars: one of these or DKNY. Jeans: Levi’s. Boots: Zara. Try Topshop (I like these rust colored ones), Chloe (on sale) or Marc Jacobs (on sale too)
So these boots are so good I got them in suede. They are more comfortable than the black leather versions. Both said size 10 on the site but the suedes are one size bigger – an unexpected bonus. Either way, I smell a justification in here somewhere for a repeat purchase that accidentally fits better than the first.
Block heel sock boots are a win/win anyway. They elongate the leg with zero wobble factor from the wide heel. Plus they’re an excuse for awkward length jeans.
Side Note: I have no idea when I’ll wear the boots again because we got dumped with record breaking snow shortly after this.

Diana says:
girrlll, i was just about to say. i hope you aren’t wearing these out anytime soon. i’ve been hearing not so good things about the clean up in queens. stay safe and warm!
ps. the boots are supa cute too! and from zara! gah.
tsp says:
well good to see you survived the treacherous snow. i guess save the boots until spring (awwww)? :'(